Friday, 15 November 2019


TOKI POUNAMU Film Festival

 Today we went to the Regent Theatre and watched the Toki Pounamu Film Festival. My favourite film was the robbery because it was different to the others. I found it cool because they had some awesome slow motion clips. They had a cool story line, because it was a robbery and it had more props than the others and more clips. I liked the part where the robber fell asleep. Finally, I liked that it was longer than most of the other films. I like The film festival a lot because it was fun seeing the things that everyone had made.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Tim the Kiwi

We have been learning to make a collage on Google Drawing. We had to use the explore, mask and arrange tools to get our collage to come together. We had to make a NZ bird and put it into its habitat. It was a lot of fun and I am really pleased with my bird. Have you ever had a go at this?